Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Diari hari ini - 270410

Ok dear, let talk about the boys, hehehe...

1st of all, Fuzael getting better. Cuma jgn usik area telinga dia la. Nanti dia melalak. The last thing i wanted to do. Then.. er.. apa lagi yek? aku pun dah blank. Tadi masa kemas rumah byk sgt idea. Sekarang dah ilang entah mana.

Hmm... Miqhail & Rafael mcm biasa. Suka menyepahkan rumah. Aku baru je vacuum rumah, tak sampai 5 min dah bersepah balik dengan biskut! Vacuum pun tak sempat simpan lagi. adeh.. dugaan... Yang pasti, aku seronok duduk dlm rumah sebab rumah berbau wangi dengan fragrance baru aku beli tadi. Floral & sweet rose. Kat dalam bilik sweet rose, kat living area floral. hmmm... nyamannya...

I think today takde happening issue. just normal, pergi Giant beli barang2 then balik rumah rehat.. thats all... anyway tomorrow My mother in law fly to KL. thats all friends.. bye..

Monday, April 26, 2010

Amazing Race 16

I'm a huge fan of this show. ye la aku kan suka merantau, tapi until now tak dapat lg memenuhi hajat yg tak seberapa ini.. hah!

Selepas hampa last week takde show amazing race coz kat US ada country award, mlm semlm aku cancel keluar shopping coz tak nak terlepas tengok TAR. Yahoo... cowboy menang lg. i really like them coz they very cool. even masa they have to complete very complicated task, but they still cool. tak pernah lg these cowboys give up or menangis ke stress. i adore these guys.. really i am.

with this attitude, i believe they can win this race. Sebab kalau kita set on our mind nak sgt menang, tp bila kita tak leh buat kita akan frust so masa tu semangat pun dah down. otak pun dah serabut. so just relax... take a deep breath..

Sorry dear.. this morning i just nak share my story about TAR. about our kids ptg nnt i share with you. Mlm semlm the leg was at China. 1st all the team kena buat mee, jordan struggling sampai nangis2 buat mee. the others ok. & the smallest man in the world He pingping ada. now i only know dia dah mati last month. he so cute!

Again Jet siap coz dia tahu ada trick utk memudahkan dia buat mee tu. So smart. They go to Shanghai back for the next clue. next task China fashion. Cowboys tahu ke pasal fashion. hahaha... what ever it is they still the 1st team finish it! yea yea...

yg kelakarnya, the detectives boleh tak jumpa cari Fashion House yg ada kat depan clue box! ahaha.. apa punya detective! after complete task kat Fashion house, the cowboys still 1st team sampai kat stadium hong kou? haha kelakar nama tu. they have to complete 96 puzzle. & ini betul2 menguji kesabaran.

The Cowboys menang lagi.. yea yea.. its forth time! heheh i hope they can win again next week!! i really hope that. go cowboys!!

Diari hari ini - 260410

Pheww... penat usah kata. Baru balik dari Pantai follow up ENT. Doktor kata tunnel telinga Fuzael bengkak. bukan disebabkan oleh drummet. Tapi mungkin masa surgery. So doktor bg ubat tahan sakit/paracetamol, antibiotik & ubat titik. Harap2 boleh sembuh sebelum Thursday. Takut nanti takleh nak buat palate surgery. & if dia still fever aku mintak tangguh. Private takpe.. tangguh pun takat seminggu ja.. klu gov tak sanggup nak menunggu. Janji prepare duit ja!

Rafael dah boleh mengira sampai 15 in english.. hahaha.. cuma sebutan tak berapa clear la.. tp dengar dah betul kiraan dia..

Tadi masa balik dari Pantai, try survey pharmacy kat area pandan indah tu. Ada nampak dua pharmacy kat sana.. nak cari syringe utk Fuzael. Alhamdulillah, kat pharmacy Caring ada sekotak! dalam tu ada seratus. apa lagi aku borong sakan ler.. klu beli sekotak dia bg murah. Kalau beli by pieces harga RM1.50. kalau beli sekotak (100 pcs) total harga RM 64.00 equivalent RM 0.64. Murah! Punya la susah nak cari syringe yg muncung kecik ni. Kebanyakkan pharmacy jual muncung yg besar. Fuzael tak suka muncung besar.. Nasib baik la ada. aku malas nak pegi setiawangsa. nak pulak staff situ tak mesra rakyat.

On the way balik umah singgah jumpa kawan2 lama kat Zelan. hahaha... lepas geram berborak. cuma takleh lama, kul 2 dah cabut nak fetch kael nngan rafael. kalau lambat kael membebel tak abih2.

Aku rasa ini je la citer utk hari ini. esok sambung lain pulak hal. aku ingat nak cari cat. Tapi nak kena tengok budget dulu. saving utk operation Fuzael.... hmm....

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Diari hari ini - 250410

Kesan dari grommet tu, telinga Fuzael kerap keluar cecair warna coklat. Lps tu area telinga kiri dia takleh sentuh. dia akan menjerit sakit. Isnin nnt ada appointment dengan doktor ENT. So aku bg dia makan ubat demam & gripe water bg dia jangan rasa sakit. kesian dia, nak tido pun sakit.

Kata doktor emergency Pantai, tu normal sebab mmg fungsi grommet keluarkan lendir dlm telinga dia and then dia baru terasa ada benda dalam telinga thats why dia tak selesa. So kita tengok isnin nnt mcm mana yek...

Ok lepas tu aku ada ternampak 2 ekor cacing panjang halus kat dlm jamban. Aku syak si Rafael punya, so hari ni aku isytihar perang ke atas cacing2 sedunia!! hahaha... dua2 adik beradik dah makan ubat cacing sebotol. amik kau! masuk dalam badan anak aku kenapa?

Hmm... aku rasa tu je kot utk hari ini. takde citer gempak lg hari ini. Tapi yg nyata aku dah malas nak kira hari. Nanti lg sakit rindu aku jdnya... bye

Sesi mengemas yang tak sudah

Hari-hari mengemas rumah. Tapi tak pernah2 sudah. Ada je benda nak kena kemas. Kemas macam mana pun tetap berselerak. Depan membawa ke belakang. Dari atas terjun ke bawah. Tapi macam tu jugak.

Aku pun dah takde time schedule. cuma si Fuzael je la yang ikut schedule. Time tido.. dia tido. time makan.. dia dah melalak nak makan..

Aku makan selalu miss... tak tau pasal apa. hahaha...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Fuzael admit to ward 17 Apr 2010

Again, 'bercuti' di Pantai Ampang. hahaha bila pulak ampang ada pantai yek?
ok.. Hari jumaat 16th Apr 10 aku check in umah bonda. yes ada perkembangan dlm bilik ada aircond, and yet still mcm dulu tak sesuai utk bwk baby. I'm not complaining coz its my mom's house but she need to improve it. Kalau tak susah la aku nak tido lg kat umah dia. 1st of all, dlm bilik tu gelap sgt. takde lampu tido. thats important thing coz aku nak susukan Fuzael tengah2 malam susah. dia bukan isap susu guna puting. aku bagi pakai syringe.. helloo!! kang tak nampak terbg susu dlm lubang hidung dia mcm mana? daaa!!!

Then boleh kata semalaman aku takleh tido lena. the reason ada kat bwh ni aku bg list;
1. Dalam bilik takde jam. Fuzael nak kena puasa selepas kul 4. so aku takut tak sempat bg susu kat Fuzael sblm kul 4 am. and kebetulan HP aku kena charge. aku dah tak jumpa mana power plug kat dlm bilik mak aku tu.. so aku kena charge HP kat depan. aduh..
2. Adik2 aku balik tak serentak. So memula Ayoi, lepas tu Adik, and finally Ely.
3. Disusuli mak membebel dlm jam 3 pagi! hah!

Nasib baik la anak2 aku tak merengek mlm tu... Kul 6 aku dah bangun.. sebabnya.. dlm umah tu ada byk alarm. Jam digital alarm, HP sesorg punya alarm. tapi sorg pun tak bangun! Tu belum lg ada pompuan tak tau malu SMS budak jantan kul 5 pg. Bodoh betul pompuan tu. Menambahkan sakit kepala aku. So aku dah malas nak tido, aku bersiap2 nak pg Pantai. even distance dr umah mak aku ngan Pantai dlm 10 min je klu pg2 subuh sabtu punya traffic.

Tu yang kekadang aku malas nak ckp kisah bermalam di Ampang. kang kata aku tak suka tido umah sendiri.. tapi inilah faktanya..

So 6.45am aku check in kat Emergency counter. masuk ward B2 bilik 2222 (byknya no. 2) aku main2 dgn Fuzael. tak nak bg dia rasa lapar.. Alhamdulillah, Pantai service baek punya.. so tepat jam 9 Fuzael masuk OT. klu HUKM kul 9 duk menunggu kat luar OT. mau meraung si Fuzael.

Aku jumpa doc anesthetic Fuzael, which is the same doc masa aku C-zer ari tu. Good. He is the best doc i ever had, after doc Suhaimi ler.. He so soft spoken. After dia explain everything, aku di suruh menunggu kat luar OT. perut dah lapar, berlari aku turun beli air chocolate, and aku menunggu dgn penuh debaran. Aku tak putus2 berdoa agar Fuzael tak jd mcm dulu kena masuk ICU.

Alhamdulillah dia selamat & stabil. no need ICU! dari jauh aku dah dengar tangisan Fuzael. Then aku mintak izin nurse & doc nak dukung dia. Mmg kuasa tuhan. he knows me. Maybe coz of my body fragrance.. hahaha he stop crying and fall asleep! semua org kata dia kenal mak dia. Doc kata kena stay semlman nak observe his lung. previous experience. Its ok.. as long dia dah sihat aku tak kisah.
senyuman pertama selepas keluar dr OT.
note: dia xpakai baju coz baru bukak uniform OT.

So itu saja kisah bermalam di Pantai. Macam biasa service mmg best. cuma time discharge je yg lembab. not because of them i think. its Insurance. and its Sunday, maybe tak ramai yg kerja on that day.

dia tunjuk kakinya yg berbalut.

Middle ear infection and grommets

Infection of the middle ear is the most common cause of temporary hearing loss in children. Middle ear infection is also known as otitis media or glue ear.
At any given time one out of every 3 primary school age children will have some form of middle ear condition, often with reduced hearing.

How the middle ear works

The middle ear is connected to the back of the nose by the Eustachian (pronounced you-stay-shun) tube. This tube does 2 things:
It helps to maintain an equal air pressure inside and outside the middle ear, and so allows the eardrum to vibrate efficiently.
It allows the fluid from the mucous membranes in the middle ear to drain away.
The tube opens to allow the pressure to equalise in the middle ear space. This causes the click or pop which you can experience when swallowing, or when flying, or driving up a steep hill. These 'pops' are evidence that your Eustachian tube is doing its job.

How does middle ear infection happen?
If the Eustachian tube is not working properly or is blocked by inflammation, the air in the middle ear is absorbed but cannot be replaced. This causes the air pressure in the middle ear to be less than the air pressure in the ear canal.
The negative pressure (partial vacuum) in the middle ear causes fluid to collect there.
Over time this fluid tends to become thicker, like egg white, leading to the name 'glue ear'.

Its effect on hearing
When the middle ear does not work well, the ear structures become less mobile and less capable of carrying sound vibrations to the inner ear. The type of hearing loss this causes is referred to as conductive because the sound is prevented from being properly 'conducted' through the middle ear to the hearing nerves in the inner ear.
However, middle ear infection causes only a partial loss of hearing. You cannot be completely deaf because of glue ear. If middle ear infection is treated quickly and successfully, hearing nearly always returns to normal or near normal.

How is middle ear infection treated?
In short term cases a conservative approach might be taken, often involving an antibiotic. Decongestant medicines are helpful if the nose is congested.
In cases of recurring or long-standing middle ear infection, an Ear, Nose and Throat surgeon may decide to perform a myringotomy (pronounced mirrin-got-tommy). This simple surgical procedure involves making a small cut in the eardrum to remove the fluid from the middle ear and enable the middle ear to 'breathe'. This is done under a general anaesthetic, and may be accompanied by the insertion of ventilation tubes, commonly known as grommets.

What is a grommet?

A grommet is a tiny tube inserted into the eardrum to allow air to enter the middle ear. The grommet does the work that the poorly functioning Eustachian tube should be doing, giving the middle ear a chance to recover.
Grommets cause no discomfort while in place. The healing ability of the eardrum is so great that it usually pushes the tube out in 6 to 12 months, leaving the drum intact.
Caring for a child with grommets
Jumping and diving into water is best avoided unless earplugs are used.
Fluid may drain from the ear following the insertion of grommets. However, if the discharge persists and/or smells unpleasant, please have your doctor examine the child’s ear.

SOURCES: Handbook of Audiology, Katz (ed.), 1985; Glue Ear, Australian Hearing, 1992.

Perkembangan Fuzael

Hari ini Fuzael dah boleh merangkak! yes..

oo ok.. actually banyak yg aku nak update tp dek kesempitan masa.. duuh.. mcm bz sgt.. hahaha... nnt aku update lg.. yea..

expecially psl operation grommet dia ari tu.. bye